90&9 is a nonprofit started by Nik and Darla Day. It promotes healthy living through media and the performing arts. We provide experiences that help youth see the beauties of life and have an increased desire to thrive and help others. See the trailer for Fighter below - you can stream it online today!
We produce large-scale shows that address hard issues and inspire the audience to reach out and help others.

We provide youth with opportunities to learn circus arts, dance, and music to improve mental, emotional, and physical health.

We do assemblies at high schools that educate teens about mental and emotional health, and inspire them to live good lives.

We provide positive media that uplifts and inspires. Our goal is to provide hope when it seems like all hope is lost.

90&9 Presents
Fighter is a cirque-style show about a phoenix rising from the ashes. The main message in Fighter is that our problems may never go away, but we can still lead meaningful, fulfilling lives by getting out of our own heads and help others. Fighter encourages the audience to fill it their lives with good, uplifting thoughts and actions. Fighter consists of original pop songs and spoken word pieces that are supplemented by dance numbers, and circus acts. It is sure to entertain and inspire audience members of all ages. Fighter is coming to Salt Lake City on August 22-24, 2024! Get your tickets today!